On the 25 and 26 April 2023, Sacred Heart School was subject to an ungraded inspection, carried out under section 8 of the Education Act 2005. This the second ungraded inspection since the school was judge to be good in March 2017. These are carried out by an HM Inspector with the intention of validating that a school remains a ‘Good’ school. The foci of this type of inspection are:
The outcome of this inspection is that Sacred Heart remains a ‘Good‘ school.
The report can be read using the link below.
As a school, the areas for development will be incorporated into our School Development Plan. We were delighted with the feedback we received from the HM Inspector as it identified some of the many ‘outstanding’ features.
Sacred Heart School was inspected on the 7th and 8th December 2023.
‘Inspection provides an opportunity to support, challenge, evaluate and promote the work of Catholic schools and colleges. It also assists schools and colleges in the work of self-evaluation and improvement, and enables the Diocese to celebrate with schools their sense of identity and their strengths as Catholic schools. Diocesan inspection also provides parents and carers with an assessment of how well a school is performing as a Catholic school.’ Diocesan Framework for Inspection 2015.