
Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

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Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

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In English the children have been looking at the books: 'Peace at Last', 'The Dark' and more recently 'Goldilocks and the Three Bears', and 'Little Red Riding Hood'. We have been writing our own character descriptions, making Wanted posters and interviewing characters from our books. Please find below some photos showing some of our learning.


During Maths we have been learning all about the names of 3D shapes and their properties. We have also revisited subtraction and used lots of practical materials to help us solve our number sentences and simple word problems. Please have a look at the pictures below of some of our learning.


Our current topic in Science is 'Everyday Materials'. We have learnt the names of lots of materials and begun to talk about their properties. Recently, we have been learning about the best materials to use if we wanted to protect an egg. We designed our 'Egg Protectors' in groups, and then made them using our chosen materials. Below are some pictures to show the making of our protectors and some of the results.

Religious Education

Recently our RE lessons have been focused around Belonging with a specific focus on Baptism. The children learnt about the importance of Baptism and what happens during the service. Please find below some pictures of our Baptism role plays.


Our recent Topic lessons have been focused around the Arctic and the Antarctic. We have learnt about what parts of the world these two places are in, what the weather is like, and also the animals that live there. We also learnt about Captain Falcon Scott's second expedition to the Antarctic and the troubles he faced throughout. We collated all this information together to make our display which you can see below.

See About Us, School Information for Prospective Parents for a school video and more information. Our Nursery is also open all day during term time. Follow us on Twitter at @SacredHeartTedd